Felipe Rocha
Partner | Lawyer – Attorney at law, with lato sensu post-graduation in Civil Procedural Law and Intellectual Property Law, both at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). FELIPE ROCHA also holds a Master degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for the Innovation at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PROFNIT/UFRJ) and is a doctor candidate in …
Pablo Barbosa
Partner | Engineer – Mechanical Engineer from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (POLI/UFRJ), Brazil, and holding a Master degree in Intellectual Property and Innovation from the National Institute of Industrial Property (ACAD/INPI), Brazil. Given his particular interest on innovation management and copyright, PABLO BARBOSA completed various extensions courses in these fields, as the “CopyrightX” course at the Harvard …
Antenor Barbosa Jr.
Partner | Lawyer – Attorney at law graduated from the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, 1985, with lato sensu post-graduation in Intellectual Property from the Franklin Pierce Law Center, New Hampshire, USA – 1989 and in Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw from Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV, 2000. Professional internationally known for defending the brand ownership of leading …
Raphaela Soares
Partner | Lawyer – Attorney at law with lato sensu post-graduation in Business Law from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). Professional with more than 10 years of experience in intellectual property field, her practice encompasses domestic and international prosecution of patents, industrial designs, and trademarks. RAPHAELA also has extensive experience in unfair competition cases, domain name and …
Daniel de Berredo Viana
Associate | Biologist – With bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), master’s and doctoral degree in Environmental Planning from the Energy Planning Program (COPPE/UFRJ), postgraduate degree in Environmental Analysis and Territory Management from the National School of Sciences Statistics (ENCE/IBGE). DANIEL has extensive experience conducting patent prior art search, acting mainly as …
Tania Mara Borges Pereira
Counselor | Lawyer – Graduated in Chemistry at Souza Marques University, Brazil, specialized in Intellectual Property by the examiners training course at the World Intellectual Property Organization of (WIPO), TANIA BORGES PEREIRA also holds a law degree from Estácio de Sá University, Brazil, and is a practicing lawyer registered at the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Senior patent attorney at ROCHA …
Kassia Leone Ignacio
Associate | Biologist – Graduated in Biology, holding the titles of D.Sc. in Biochemical and M.Sc. in Biophysics at the prestigious Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Kássia has extensive experience conducting patent prior art search and patent drafting.
Julian David Hunt
Consultant | Engineer – With Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering (B.Eng) at the University of Nottingham, UK (1st class honours degree), and Doctoral Degree in Engineering Science (D.Phil) at the University of Oxford, UK. JULIAN HUNT completed his postdoctoral course in Energy Storage at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the International Institute …
Seung Chung
Consultant | Lawyer – Attorney at law, with lato sensu post-graduation in Civil Procedural Law at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), Brazil, and LLM in Corporate Law and Capital Markets at the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC/RJ), Brazil. SEUNG CHUNG also holds a degree in Economics from Federal University Fluminense (UFF), Brazil. His activities are developed …
julyana madeira corrêa
Associate | Lawyer – Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra. Diploma revalidated by the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). Julyana served as Content Director of the Intellectual Property League of Students at the University of Coimbra, conducting studies and debates on doctrinal issues and disputes related to intellectual property. Julyana provides consulting …